Scorecard: Practices that Support or Disrupt the Infant Microbiome
Scorecard: Practices that Support or Disrupt the Infant Microbiome
Developed by Penny Simkin, PT, CD(DONA)
“Microbiome-Friendly” Birth Events and Practices (Check each)
“Microbiome-Friendly” Birth Events and Practices (Check each)
Spontaneous onset of labor at term
Adequate labor progress
Non-pharmacologic means of pain management
Straight to mother’s body, skin-to-skin for unhurried holding and breastfeeding
Parents’ blanket from home covering mother and baby. Non-parents see, don’t hold baby for first hours
Nurses keep baby skin to skin in mother’s/parents’ arms as much as possible for all procedures
Baby fed only breast fluid (colostrum or milk).
Baby remains with or near parents all the time.
Comments or context to the above events
“Microbiome-Disrupting” Birth Events and Practices
“Microbiome-Disrupting” Birth Events and Practices
Premature birth
Birth in the water (possibly disruptive)
Birth by planned (without labor) or unplanned (in-labor) cesarean
Antibiotics to mother and/or baby (specify who received them and when)
Held first by medical staffer before birthing parent (specify who, how long)
Time lapse after birth before mother held baby
Wrapped in hospital blanket for first contact with mother
Held by non-parents (family, friends, staff) in first hours after birth
Early bath (before 24 hours of age)
Fed with formula or glucose water
Stayed in nursery without physical contact with parent
Gestational Age at Birth
Cesarean Birth
Cesarean Birth
Planned (without labor)
Unplanned (in-labor)
Antibiotics in Labor - Specify who received them and when
Held first by medical staffer before birthing parent - specify who, how long
Time lapse after birth before birthing parent held baby - how long?
Comments or context to the above events
Conclusions – did this baby have a “Microbiome-Friendly” or a “Microbiome-Disrupted birth?”